By: Rob Baum, TechFlow CEO
April marks Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month—a celebration to boost public understanding and appreciation for these crucial fields globally. Initiated in 1986 as Mathematics Awareness Week by a proclamation from President Ronald Reagan, I suspect the fun, endless possibilities, and infinite numbers led officials to expand the celebration to the full month it is today!
I’m a proud math nerd—math has always clicked for me. I’ve always found joy in unraveling the complexities of numbers and their real-world applications. Consider the incredible impact of math on our daily lives; it’s truly awe-inspiring. From dates to discounts, taxes to tunes, and sports stats to stock values, numbers shape everything around us in myriad ways.
At TechFlow, math is the backbone of our innovation. We harness it to decipher data, unearth trends, and craft groundbreaking solutions. The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is deeply rooted in mathematics—principles like linear algebra, calculus, and probability breathe life into AI, enabling it to make smart decisions. This mathematical foundation extends to machine learning, where data science and deep learning leverage complex mathematical frameworks for problem-solving. Concepts such as vector calculus and optimization are indispensable in driving advancements in machine learning. Moreover, programming and logistical operations within our company draw upon mathematical skills for efficiency and precision. In essence, math empowers us to describe, analyze, and resolve the challenges we tackle daily.
I love this example from Sheryl Haley, a Senior Program Manager at TechFlow who is working on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) Program that keeps our citizens safe while traveling:
“The contract I’ve supported for many years has a lot of metrics associated with it. I’ll admit I’m terrible at doing math in my head, but thankfully my finance background has made math in Excel my specialty. I love calculating contract metrics in different ways than is required to get to root cause of problems or identify incorrect data. For instance, an airport is complaining that performance is terrible but looking at the data a different way indicates that the problem is actually with just one equipment model while another is a rock star. TechFlow can then focus resources on solving a specific issue instead of addressing a generalized complaint. Thanks to the mathematical insights – the airport and our program function more efficiently!”
Sheryl’s insight highlights the undeniable cool factor and vital importance of math. Its applications are pivotal across fields like medicine, computer science, space exploration, trades, business, defense, and government. Despite its growing significance in advancing our economy and society, enrollment in math programs is dwindling across educational levels. Now more than ever, it’s critical to dedicate April to celebrating the impact and value of studying math. I invite you to join in the celebration!
Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.
Shakuntala Devi, World-Famous Mathematician Known as "The Human Computer" Tweet